“Sylanka” – it is a space of stories from Ukrainians who witnessed the war

The IPCG is implementing the project “Increasing the capacity of public organizations to overcome the consequences of the war in Ukraine”

Goal: to ensure the right to truth, to consolidate Ukrainian society and citizens of other countries around the reconstruction of the social structure, relations and the country.

“Sylanka” – it is a space of stories from Ukrainians who witnessed, experienced or are experiencing the events of the full-scale war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. The resource aims to help Ukrainians “recover” and unite for the opportunity to participate in the reconstruction of Ukraine. We collected, systematized and thematically united these stories into “threads”. “Threads” are common blocks of separate stories that allow readers to follow the connection and isolate for themselves practical advice and experience in the process of reading.

The project “Enhancing the Capacity of the Judiciary and Civil Society Organizations to Overcome the Consequences of the War in Ukraine” is implemented by the NGO “Institute of Peace and Understanding” in collaboration with the NGO “DEJURE Foundation” and is funded by the European Union.

This publication was funded by the European Union. Its content is the sole responsibility of the Institute of Peace and Understanding (IMiP) and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.