This line of work involves building a safe environment by increasing the potential of territorial communities to form effective social ties and strengthen cohesion and resilience.

IPCG understands community safety in a broad context. In our opinion, it includes not only existing video surveillance systems, street patrols, fire and road safety, access to health care facilities, and other security mechanisms, but also such components as:

  • community cohesion, a high level of trust in it;
  • coordinated communication between interested parties;
  • interaction between the police and the community, involvement of community residents in solving local problems;
  • leadership potential of community residents;
  • integration of vulnerable social groups into the community.

In this direction, the current activity of IPCG is aimed at overcoming the consequences of the war. For this purpose, a national network of 17 civil society partner organizations was created, which, among other things, organize and facilitate dialogue involving civil society.

From 2017 to 2022, IMIP experts and partner organizations developed the Methodology for analyzing security risks and the security potential of communities. About 100 communities have used this methodology to analyze and develop relevant security strategies using dialogue tools. About 10 strategies became part of local policies – that is, they were approved as local programs by local councils.

In 2018, IPCG compiled a map of the conflict potential and needs of 20 local communities in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. In addition, we have helped more than 30 communities develop individual development plans and build capacity to implement security and counter-polarization initiatives.

IPCG works to increase the level of security in communities through:

  • development of communities’ potential to develop and implement security programs;
  • increasing community expertise in security issues;
  • establishment of communication and cooperation between key subjects that have an impact on the formation of security;
  • development of community adaptability to challenges.

One of the main tasks of IPCG regarding the formation of security in communities is to increase their resistance to security risks in the medium and long term.

With such a comprehensive approach, it is possible to see the widest possible picture of community development, in which security is a component of stable economic growth and a guarantee of social well-being.

We are also convinced that the strategy/program for creating a safe environment is primarily a strategy for risk management in the community. Attention to security challenges and the search for potential “growth points” in strategic areas of community development have become priorities for us.

In 2016, 2017, and 2019, IPCG trained specialists and supported the work of pilot programs for the reintegration of veterans in Chuguyev, Kharkiv, Ivano-Frankivsk, and 5 other communities. A study was also conducted on the reintegration of war veterans in these communities within the framework of the Folke Bernadotte Academy, the Project “Local Self-Government and the Rule of Law in Ukraine”.