Another important area of work of IPCG is the development of a safe and peaceful environment in educational institutions for the sake of permanent positive changes.

During our work in the field of restorative practices in schools, we established the permanent work of about 30 School Mediation Services (SMS) in different regions of Ukraine and taught more than 5,000 pupils and teachers to resolve conflicts through mediation.


School services of understanding


pupils and teachers were trained in conflict resolution through mediation


pilot schools participated in the Peace School model

A lot of work was also devoted to the methodical and recommendatory basis. In particular, we have developed methodological guidelines and recommended standards for the quality of the operation of the SMS and compiled an algorithm for creating the SMS and translated books by foreign authors, which significantly increased the productivity of the services.

The result of many years of work of IPCG was the creation of a unique model “Peaceful School” – an integrated and complex model of building relationships and communication in an educational institution, the purpose of which today is the formation and increase of resilience and stress resistance, the development of self-awareness and sensitivity to diversity in the school community.

The model was implemented in 10 pilot schools in 5 regions of Ukraine as an educational experiment at the all-Ukrainian level. As of the beginning of 2023, the educational experiment was completed and approval was received from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for further implementation of our model.

Read more about the work of IMiP and the creation of the Peace School in the article “From Peer-to-Peer Mediation to the “Peaceful School”